Institut für angewandte Ökologie GmbH Menu
Über 25 Jahre | Erfahrung und Kompetenz auf den Gebieten der Gewässer- und Fischökologie

More than 25 years | Experience and competence in the fields of aquatic and fish ecology



Telemetry study with marked eels on the river Lahn

For the next 5 years, 250 eels will be marked intra-abdominally every migration season in order to study migratory behavior at 10 weirs .

A premium of 20 € ...

A premium of 20 € ...

... we pay for each transponder found and sent to our office address with information on the precise location and date where the fish was caught/found as well as its length and weight.

End of MIGROMAT©-Season 2023/24

MIGROMAT™ Season 2023/24

Once again, the early warning system made a successful contribution to protecting the highly endangered European Eel in the 2023/24 winter season. The season is now officially over.